Responsive Design

Developer Considerations

Responsive Design

The ultimate goal of responsive design is to avoid the unnecessary resizing, scrolling, zooming, or panning that occurs with sites that have not been optimized for different devices. Responsive website design also replaces the previous need to design a dedicated mobile website for smartphone users. Now, instead of designing multiple websites for different screen sizes, developers can design just one website that scales up or down automatically to match the device it’s being viewed on.1

Google Analytics Reports

Active Users

Track active users for increments of 1, 7, 14, and 28 days, and stay abreast of the level of user enthusiasm for your site or app. Learn more.2


Understanding the age-and-gender composition of your audience gives you an opportunity to precisely tailor your content and advertising, from the graphics, language, and technical sophistication you employ on your site to the creative contents and placements for your ads. Learn more.2


Measure the gravitational pull of your site, and the extent to which you’re encouraging first-time users to return. You can also see the economic impact of new vs. returning users (e.g., the 28% of users who are returning account for 45% of total transactions).2

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  1. WebFX, Inc. (n.d.). Why is Responsive Design So Important? Retrieved June 23, 2021, from
  2. Google. (n.d.). Overview of Audience reports - Analytics Help. Google Analytics Help. Retrieved June 23, 2021, from